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本公司可根据客户的要求定制各种真发、假发,男装假发,女装假发,娃娃发,头套,配件等,也可来图、来样加工。公司还销售假发辅料及韩国进口发网,型号,质量上乘. 联系电话:13969610209,13969619135 we are in qingdao, china made shunxiang hair products co., ltd.. the company in scientific research-based, designed as a supplement, pay close attention to the principle of product quality, development and production of real hair wig, the series sets, and so on. the company has a technology-based productivity of new product development, research and technical team of specially trained a considerable number of hook-wig production and skilled workers. the company may be based on customer requirements will be making a variety of real hair, synthetic wig, men's wigs, women's wigs, d...[详细介绍] 联系方式
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